Monday, September 30, 2013

No! No! No!

Here is a quote I read awhile ago: "Smart girls are the over-thinkers, the insecure ones, the different ones. They know what the real world is like. They analyze every little thing in life. Why? To avoid getting hurt. To find happiness. They stay up at night trying to think about every possible situation to get through all the problems. They think too much. They trust less people. Their insecurity proves their respect towards themselves. Of course they try to live away from a drama-filled life. Smart girls know their worth, now that's the ones worth keeping by your side."

Need I say again... no! no! no! This is coming from a girl who is partially described in this quote. It is not so romantic, it is not so sweet, nor so admirable. Its fear and loneliness and hopelessness. Maybe the reason I react so much to this is because I am not okay with a fault of mine not only being accepted as good, but admirable. I know it to be what it is and it is not romantic, healthy, or admirable. At face value, this quote is promoting insecurity, fear, shells. They are not the first people I would want to spend the rest of my life with if I were a boy.

Now, this may be someones best attempt to explain something that is good. To give it the benefit of the doubt if the quote could be translated as:

"Smart girls are the ones with understanding, the cautious ones, the different ones. They understand the foundations and principles of human behavior. They analyze what is generally accepted to make their own decisions based on their understanding. Why? To avoid taking the common path to hurt and ruin. To find happiness. They are not don't trust easily. Their caution, wisdom, and willingness to do the lonely, right thing proves their respect towards themselves. Of course they try to live away from a drama-filled life. Smart girls - wise girls - know their worth, now that's the ones worth keeping by your side."

Still, unfortunately, it is a bit over-romanticized and unrealistic. It is very self-trusting and lonesome. There doesn't seem to be much hope in it except, hey, you're smart. And when it does get realistic, no one seems to really want smart girls. There has to be something more than all that. There is, thank goodness, but it is not in this quote. I guess that was really the point of this post, to say, don't allow yourself to have false hope in just that, because when you are at your end, you'll realize it's not enough to carry you past it... I know. Without a real reason, it might seem more profitable just not to be "smart." If you browse my other posts you'll see that there is a lot more, but it will take more room than I have time for in this post.

-Lynsi Keyes

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Conjecture: Bad Bird Gets the Worm

Let's admit it, generally guys are looking for the inviting girls, and, darn it, girls look for the inviting guys. The thief gets the money. The guilty judge gets the bribe. The cheater gets the grade. If they don't get caught... and for a lot of the little things or the bad things done right, they do get away... and they get away with that lovely reward and a clean conscious because they probably don't have one anymore. What on Earth is there to keep us from doing evil? If it is all about avoiding trouble, well, just learn how to do bad right, because doing good won't keep you out much better. Read some stories about Christians in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, China and that'll prove that.

Well here's something new, if you want the reward anytime in your lifetime, that might not happen. There is really no guarantee. In fact, there is a greater chance of reaping the joys of doing what's right if you except that and change your priorities accordingly than if you try to get it immediately. A great part of the joy and hope that comes from believing in Jesus comes from What Is To Come... not on Earth but afterwards. So when all falls down and nothing seems to go right, we can still be joyful and let go because the things of this world aren't permanent, but our actions for God, our family in Christ, our love is all eternal in heaven, just as His love and mercy and company is eternal even on this Earth. There are actually verses in the Bible where we find the promises of rewards for our actions.

 A lot of people live under the impression that we do good to avoid the bad consequences of doing bad. Although that can in the long term be true, a lot of bad actions come out with great rewards. And also, for practical people, if it were all on earth, if that's all there is, for goodness sakes there is more joy in just throwing in the towel and following what we want. There is pain, but it is just as much as when we are doing good. So??? What now?

There is something more... and it is easy to forget because in certain circles it is not talked about a lot. But its right here in the Bible:

James 1:12 ESV 
"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."

Colossians 3:23-24 ESV
"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."

Matthew 16:27 ESV
"For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done."

Matthew 6:1-34 are great verses to read about promises and Jesus' also talks about the reward of people who do good for show... "Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward."
So there are promises! And God won't forget, which can honestly be a bit frightening when I think about all the opportunities I could have taken to expand God's kingdom just by saying "hi" but was too shy.
To sum it all up. Doing what is right is not just about avoiding what is bad. Because sometimes, if that's all it is, its not hard to say that the bad consequences are worth it compared to the pain and hardship of doing what is right over the little things, like respecting one's body or not going with the flow. Doing what is right isn't just a defense against evil, it is an offense to expand the Kingdom of God.

Matthew 28:19-20 
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:"
Mark 16:15 
"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."

And we can have faith that:

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.- 2 Peter 3:9

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Conjecture: Who's what and What's who?

Pro-Choice and Pro-Life are probably some of the most confusing names. Neither is actually called by its self-proclaimed name by the other party. Pro-Life advocates call Pro-"choice" people Pro-Abortion, and Pro-Abortion/"choice" people call Pro-Life people Anti-Choice.
This is natural of course, because pro-abortion people would sound horrible ranting about the "evils" and "tyranny" of a group called pro-LIFE. But call them anti-choice and that sounds better and immediately sets a defensive, antagonistic feeling towards them. Who would be for an anti-choice, group? I agree, that is why pro-life people are not anti-choice, but pro-life. But that is not how pro-abortion people see it, so they call them as they think them.
Of course, it wouldn't sound good advocating against pro-choice groups, either. Choice is good. So, pro-life people call them a mild term of what they see them as, pro-abortion. Because, pro-choice is about as truthful of a name as Planned Parenthood. There is no planning or parenthood in there!
But who's to say. Pro-Choice, Pro-Abortion. Pro-Life, Anti-Choice. Who's what, and what's who? It's actually not very difficult, though I mentioned in an earlier post that the topic of abortion is a very delicate and complicated one. It goes down to where the line is drawn. Our founding father's fought so that we would be master of our own fate, not a king or a slave-driver. One of the ideas were that each individual person's value and future wouldn't be determined by another, but that everyone would have the right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and Pursuit of Happiness. In order to Pursue Happiness an individual would need Liberty, in order to have Liberty and individual would need Happiness. Of course, it has taken a very long time to really live that out, and it seems like each time we take a step forward in one place, we take step back in another.
There are many sorts of people in each party, and one are the people who believe that the child in the womb is indeed a human being. They are people who are concerned for both parties as most pro-life people are. But unlike pro-life people who draw the line at the child under the rights of the constitution and the rights given to him/her by God in the ten commandments (thou shalt not murder), the child despite the circumstances under which they were conceived has the right to life, they are still dramatically concerned for the mother and the future welfare of the child.
What if the mother doesn't want them? What if they are drug addicts before they have a chance because their mother took them during her pregnancy? What if we have too many kids and not enough families to care for them? What if the child was conceived under less them legal means? What about the nine-months of pain caused to the mother during that time? What if the mother decides to commit suicide because she is so distraught?
These are such good questions! So relevant and so heart felt. There are many families who want to adopt but there are not enough children to go around. There are many people who do want to help these children who have been hurt at no fault of their own. But these last three are much more difficult and brings us to where we draw the line according to our priorities.
First of all, the offender, if possible, should be brought to justice! But my question is, if there is a poor family, they have many kids, both the father and the mother work, barely bringing in enough to care for the kids, then the husband is brutally murdered, can the wife decide that since this was not her fault and that it was terribly unjust, and now she had to find a way to care for her kids not to mention they reminded her daily of that terrible person who killed her husband, so she would rather just kill them. Is this legal? Of course not, so why is it legal to do so with a child who is younger?
Maybe this sounds heartless... but on who's perspective? There are so many woman who have abortions and afterwards loathe themselves for it! Not to mention abortion increases chances of certain diseases that they can die from! Was saving nine months of pregnancy worth the possible guilt - which is heavier than any sickness - and the possible disease that could kill the woman? It is not as one sided as it may seem.
But, that is not the only problem. What about the future welfare of the child? What are the statistics of these children growing up healthy and successful? But who cares about the statistics? One of the goals of the America was that each individual could choose what to do with his life. Do we have the right to look at statistics and say, "Well, most likely this kid is going to turn out miserable, so we will save them the misery." What about the individuals who chose to climb out of it and make great men and woman of themselves? Do we have a right to snuff them out, to throw them into a box of statistics and throw them out? That is what Hitler did. And under God, I don't believe we ever have the right to take a life in that way. There are so many stories of men and woman who have climbed out of the gutter and these stories have inspired many other men and woman to greatness, without them, what would we do?
With these stories, with these choices, we have people who inspire others to create a better society, to better themselves. There will naturally be some bad repercussions, because sometimes doing the right thing doesn't always lead to immediate well being. When the slaves were free, many slaves didn't know what to do with their lives, and many plantation owners were ruined. Not very great results, but it led to a better society eventually, it led to a better livelihood for the descendants. The right to choose whether they would remain a victim - in effect victimizing themselves - or become an overcomer. God made us to be overcomers. He has given us the strength, He gives us the strength. It is always possible, and part of being an American is having that right to choose to overcome.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

1 Corinthians 13:13

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

"Et ergo haec tres mansi: fides, spero, et ama. Sed maxi haec est ama."

Monday, September 9, 2013

Conjecture: Christian or Not?

Years ago, the Mormons were determined to be distinguished as NOT Christians. Now they want to be considered as Christians? I guess it was a prophecy, their belief changes a lot. From must have many wives to now only having one, from people of darker color being cursed to now being equal...
Those changes have a significant point other than casting even the simplest doubt upon the religion in general.
There is a controversy as to whether Mormons are Christians or not, but it really shouldn't be so difficult for anyone of Christian, Mormon, or no faith. I think I can sum it up in a few references to the Bible and one to the Mormon belief.

The following verses are three vital - not the most, but still vital - verses from the Bible:

1) Malachi 3:6: "I the LORD do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed."

2) James 1:17: "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."

3) 1 Timothy 2:5: For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,

In these verses we can take: God, the ONE and ONLY, is GOOD and does NOT change, and Jesus Christ is the ONE mediator.

Now, for the Mormon verses:

1) "God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man...I say, if you were to see him today, you would see him like a man in a form-like yourselves in all the person, image, and very form as a man." (Teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith, 1973 ed., p. 346)

 2) "How many Gods there are, I do not know. But there never was a time when there were not Gods." (Brigham Young-Journal of Discourses 7:333)

Yes, okay, that's two. I decided the second one was important, too.

From these two verses we can take: God was a MAN who ASPIRED to be a ONE OF MANY gods and succeeded, and WE CAN TOO! 

 God, the ONE and ONLY, is GOOD and does NOT change, and Jesus Christ in the ONE mediator.
God was a MAN who ASPIRED to be a ONE OF MANY gods and succeeded, and WE CAN TOO! 

What??? That is blatant contradictory of the Bible. The problem? The same problem Atheists claim the Bible have, and what Christian Apologists have proved over and over again the BIBLE doesn't have: Contradictions. You can't count something as credible if it has such BLATANT and unexplainable contradictions. A few that can be explained through contexts are okay, but these can't be.

As in my first examples, the Mormon Doctrine changes a lot... but the Bible says God does not change and as far as the Bible is concerned, God's character does not change either, but it would have to drastically in order to fulfill the Book of Mormon. It is important for a Christian to believe in the God of the Bible, and it is obvious the God of the Bible is not the same God of the Mormons, therefore, it can't be the same Jesus - who is the way, the truth, and the life. So, it is one or the other.

Closing Verse:

Galatians 1:
I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant[a] of Christ.

NOTE: To look up Bible verses, a good website it