Monday, August 26, 2013

Science: Who's To Say

If you think about it... it doesn't make much sense when people say God isn't scientific. They feel so secure and proud in that, but where is the logic? Who's to say? What but culture says that God isn't scientific. It is true that most "gods" and "goddesses" aren't very systematic... storms in the Roman times were attributed to Poseidon or Neptune's random fancies and wars dictated by the favors and hates of Athena/Minerva, Zues/Jupiter, Aphrodite/Venus, and all the other upper "gods" and "goddesses." Not very scientific. The Hindu supernatural beliefs aren't much better. And the Celts and the Natives of the Americas and Africa, etc... same thing. But, funny thing, when you read the Bible, it is completely different! God is very systematic, and although He does have the power to contradict scientific laws - a note that will be touched on later - He is also a God of order. The Bible is full of seemingly ridiculously religious rules of God in the Old Testament that modern science has shown to really be hygienic and wise.

Wash your hands before you eat???? They didn't understand that back then, and surely it must have appeared odd, but now we all know why it is important. Don't eat pigs and certain sea food? Why on Earth not? Now we know that pigs were filled with worms and other disgusting creatures that could cause painful, painful diseases. Many of those certain sea foods are creatures we now know that CLEAN up the ocean. They didn't have the same germ killing tools we do today, and even today we have to be careful. Not so pointless religion now, it seems like God was actually trying to keep His people safe. Hum! Who knew? It only talks about love and working out for the good of us a whole lot!

How did these people know? How did these people who knew nothing about germs and bacteria "make-up" so many preposterous, inconvenient rules that coincide with scientific knowledge so common today. God is scientific, He is the creator of Science.

Of course, this still counts for nothing against people who think the IDEA of God is unscientific. My question to them is, you can't even come up with a legitimate explanation for how life began and you say God is unscientific? People who believe in Evolution must believe that in the beginning, every single known scientific law for some reason no one knows completely contradicts itself to create life, continues to contradict itself to continue creating life, until randomly in the last 6k years started following them again for some random reason. Hmm... that is REALLY scientific. ? I don't think so. They could say, "Well, same to you, God was just there, how did He come."

Yes, God was always there. But doesn't that make sense? He CREATED science, not the other way around. It does take some getting one's mind around, but if you think about it in the sense that God is the Creator and Science is His tool, it makes more sense. It makes even scientific sense. Miracles? I like to see it like this. Suppose I create a little town with dolls and little houses. I might even hook up an engine to make them all move in a certain way of life. But, suppose I wanted to take one doll and put it somewhere else but the machine doesn't move it like that. What would I do? I would go, grab the little doll, move it, and hook it up to the machine to move again. Nothing magic in that, perfect logic. The little dolls might exclaim that that destroys the science of their little town and their little machine that makes it move so that I cannot possibly exist because I am not run or explained by the machine. Yet, when you think that I created it, it would make perfect sense. And then if you observe the little town and creation, you might realize it makes perfect sense that something outside of it created it.

That is how I see Creation. And people might say, well that is cutting it pretty thin, anybody could say that about anything. True... but not when you take EVERYTHING into account. Put everything onto a scale, and honestly, God and Creation and the Bible are a much weightier reality than ANYTHING else. It would be impossible to cover all those in one post, but over the next few weeks of Science, I am going to try to cover different aspects of science and see how they support Evolution and how the support Creation.

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