Sunday, August 4, 2013

Be Prepared, Be Prepared! This Lesson Must be Shared!

Ah... Texas... the Seven Flag State, the Lone Star State, and the home of Dr. Pepper. I think the mosquitoes here think I am main course! I have 22 bites on one leg. Nice for me they don't itch most the time, they just look horrible! It is hot, as usual, what can you expect if you visit Texas in August? Thankfully, Washington was rather warm before we left, so I have gotten used to coping with it.
I've learned a good many thing already here, but a big thing that life seems to be trying to teach me these last few months is the value in being prepared, and I don't mean just in material, I mean in knowledge. The other day, I was talking to my little cousin about Jesus. He had heard about Jesus and he knew that Jesus loved everybody and that he was in the sky (heaven, I assume he means). When I tried to explain that Jesus came down to save us and He was in our hearts, that's where I lost him. I realized that children are very literal - I really should have known that being the older sister of three. I used church talk with him and he didn't understand. Church talk had become so common to me since I grew up in the church from a very young age. I realized that I had not been prepared to talk to my little cousin about Jesus like I should have been and I hope that I will have another chance. This is probably pretty close to what the Bible means when it says to be prepared with answers for the joy that is within you (1 Peter 3:15) and it is always good to be prepared with a reason for most everything you believe in if not everything. Several weeks ago - a little over a month - three Mormon Evangelists showed up at our door. Well, thought I, I just watch an hour and a half video about their religion and their Holy Book, but that was from a Christian perspective, let's see what an actual Mormon says. So I went out there and talked to the three girls.  I wasn't sure what exactly to expect, whether they were more main stream and didn't actually believe most of what they claim to, or if they did. It was actually very enlightening. But by knowing as much as I did, I was not only able to answer questions about their own religion and my own, but I was able to form intelligent, deep questions many wouldn't even know to ask. This caused them to open up and tell me much more than they would the usual person who wouldn't have even understood. By the end of the day, I think they got almost as much out of the conversation as I did, which wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been prepared with answers and questions. I have two more examples. The other day I was at my grandparent's good friend's home for a cookie party and her grandkids were there. I fell into conversation with two of the boys - 9-ish and 12 - about some very interesting scientific topics. They were very bright and knew more than most kids about the particular history and scientific topics we were discussing, one of which being Creation (including Dinosaurs). The conversation did remind me of the sad fact that many Christians today have compromised the Bible's truths for Evolution which blatantly contradicts it (if nothing else, the need for animals to die for it to take place does, but that is only one among many) and science in general, let alone the Bible. When the younger one asked when Mammals first existed, I answered, "I'd say the Fifth Day of Creation." The older one then said that that was true, but of course each day was a couple thousand maybe million years. We stayed on this topic for awhile and I was able to give them example of why that wouldn't work and also why it is most likely dinosaurs lived alongside humans. I am not saying this because it is what the Bible says - although it does say so - but because I have been shown the science which supports it! My last example is a bit of sticky conversation I had with my aunt today. I am Pro-Life and she is Pro-Choice. Naturally this is a rather delicate topic being that is also very hot, very complicated, and can deal with a lot of pain on the part both parties involved. After making clear that neither of us would take offense, get angry, or take anything personally, we have a rather lively debate about this. I can't say it was enlightening, because I had heard most of the arguments before and I had heard most of the answers before, and the outcome was just about what I had supposed it would be, though far from what I had hoped. But by being prepared with answers, I was able to give her something to think about and work the debate down to where we both had to make a final stance of what we believed in. Mine was that the right to life of the child was precedent, and her's was that the future welfare of the unborn child was. Like I said, a very complicated subject. A random thought, if you have never watched Amazing Grace, you should. It will really enlighten on the Abortion topic too, because like Abortion, Slavery wasn't too easy of a topic either, as it is easy to think, and Amazing Grace helps clarify that a bit. Doing the right thing doesn't always lead to immediate great results. I'll touch on that some other time.
That was my last example. In all, by having answers to the Mormons I was able to give them something to think about without being rude or mean or antagonistic and I was able to learn something useful for myself. By not being prepared for my little cousin's literalness I lost an opportunity. By being able to answer my twelve-year old friend's questions and ask him intelligent questions myself, I was able to give him something to look up and think about, while having myself a few things to think about as well. In regard to my aunt, she did not change her mind in the end, I did not change my mind in the end, in fact, in all the examples, no one changed their minds in the end. If someone has to change their mind at the end of a debate for it to be worthwhile, then it will never be worthwhile. But if you can cause someone to think about it, or say, "I'll look that up." - granted they probably won't - you have made them think, and you have left a subconscious or conscious impression on them. Most people are taught that Creationism, Christianity, Pro-Life people are all idiots who blindly follow random things. By having answers, it shows everyone that that is not true and leaves a lasting impression that might eventually lead to them realizing maybe these people have answers, maybe they are right, but at least they can respect them as people who have reasons. Because it is hard to respect someone who has no idea why they believe what they believe and wants everyone else to believe it, too.
Thanks for reading... :) Have a great day!

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